Legal Description & Statistics
Why Canyon Gate?
The Owners
The Areas
Design Theory
Construction & Maintenance
House Features
House Features

  • Views of the first and second hole of the golf course from the majority of the major spaces
  • Views of the mountains and city from the upper decks
  • Crestron Home Control System (Security, Lighting, Audio Visual, HVAC)
  • Lutron Lighting System
  • Security System
  • 7 HVAC Zones
  • 2 75 Gallon HWH (Gas) (new in 2014)
  • Large Basement (one of the few basements in Las Vegas)
  • Indoor Pool Equipment
  • Floor HVAC Distribution
  • Heated Pool and Jacuzzi
  • Safe
  • Elevator from Basement to Second Floor
  • Custom Wood Windows and Doors
  • Custom Clad Wooden Garage Doors
  • Mature Landscaping and Fountains
  • Custom Exterior Wall Sconces
  • Custom Landscape Lighting
  • Small privacy windows allowing light
  • Each TV is a high-quality Home Theatre System
  • Apple TV
  • DVD, VCR, Laser Disc, CD Player
  • Commercial WIFI system throughout the house
  • Cox Cable Internet Connection
  • Satellite and Cable TV
  • Page Capable Phone System
  • Laundry Chute for Master Bedroom