Legal Description & Statistics
Why Canyon Gate?
The Owners
The Areas
Design Theory
Construction & Maintenance
House Features
Design Theory

The house was designed to be sure that the Steelman House was the home of all of the children's events while they attended grade and high school. The basement and pool areas were designed to accommodate a large amount of friends and classmates. The house was used for many homecoming, graduation, sports, and theatre and theme parties. The Steelman House was the center of their children's and their friend's life.

The house is designed so it can be happily used by different groups of people. The office is two floors away from the kid's areas in the basement.

The gym is located 8 steps from the master bedrooms, so when you wake up it is easy to start each day with an exercise routine.

The house was also the home of many Thanksgivings, Christmas, Concerts, School Functions and Halloween.

Design Consultants
  • Architect: Steelman Partners
  • Mechanical Electrical Engineer: FEA Associates
  • Structural Engineer: Martin and Peltyn Associates
  • Contractor: Bryan Construction Inc.
  • Interior Contractor: Swiss services
  • Low Voltage: HP Media