Legal Description & Statistics
Why Canyon Gate?
The Owners
The Areas
Design Theory
Construction & Maintenance
House Features
Construction & Maintenance

Construction Type
  • Basement 12" Masonry Walls waterproofed
  • Frame 2"x 6" wood stud walls and truss flooring systems
  • Superior Insulation in walls and ceiling
  • Clay tile roofs in combination with flat roofs and decks
  • Smooth Plaster System Exterior Walls
  • Custom Wood Doors and Windows (All windows are double glazed)
  • Automatic awnings on the second floor south decks

Maintenance Team
  • The house has been meticulously maintained and updated over the last 14 years.
  • Landscape: Lakes Landscaping, Rick Dykstra
  • HVAC: Steel Breeze, Neal Thompson
  • Home Controls/AV: HP Media, Kevin Peltier
  • Pool: Marcs Pool Service
  • Window Cleaning: Hands Off Window Cleaning
  • Tree Trimming: Aable Tree Trimming
  • Elevator: Thyssen Elevators
  • Marble Flooring:
  • Plumbing: Rakeman Plumbing
  • Cleaning: Lety Sanchez